Justin Pearson was a vibrant young man with endless possibilities for a bright future. He was the kind of person who lit up a room just by entering it. He had many friends from all walks of life and he was the kind of friend who would not only give you the shirt off his back, but his shoes and socks as well. He was charming, entertaining and energetic. Justin gave 150% to whatever he did; whether it was hunting, four-wheeling or putting together a sound system and decking out a vehicle. He became engaged in 2006 with plans to marry in 2007 and talked joyfully of having children. Justin would have made a loving husband and father. To know him is to love him. Justin died Christmas Day, December 25, 2006. He is missed by many.
We hope you will find this website helpful. Our mission in life is to save just one...one life...and one family from experiencing the pain of losing a child, sibling or friend. Our wish for Justin and you is stated simply in this Irish Prayer...
May the road rise up to meet you.
May the wind be always at your back.
May the sun shine warm upon your face.
And the rains fall soft upon your fields.
And until we meet again,
May God hold you,
In the palm of His hand.

May 19, 1982 -
December 25, 2006